Thursday, May 29, 2008

Character Profiles

(17) Fala-the melody maker; golden eyes, brown hair
-Her mother died from mysterious illness that even the healers could not heal. Her father wasted away with grief and passed away a few months after his wife. She moved in with Tahi because she had no where else to go. She considers him her boyfriend and tried to remain loyal to him even though she fell for Kaija at one point and became infatuated with Faalan.

(18) Tahi-plant grower; brown eyes, black hair
-He lived next door to Fala and the two grew up together. When he was 16, he moved away to go to school. When Fala’s parents died, he took her in.

(19) Faalan-mind user; golden eyes, brown hair, not related to Fala
-His father died in battle when he was 3 and his mother died when he was 10. He vaguely remembers his father. Before she died, his mother made him promise that he would always take care of Khanna. When he was 17, he began to build the intricate treehouse that he and Khanna lived in for several years. He finished just before turning 18. He never had fallen for someone until he met Fala and now that he accepts that fact, he will do anything to get her back.

(18) Khanna- portal teleporter; golden eyes, brown hair, not related to Fala
-Her father died in battle when she was 2 and her mother died when she was 9. She doesn't remember her father at all. She was sleeping when her mother died and she mourned for days, because her mother was pretty much her only friend. After turning 17, she experimented with her gift without Faalan's supervision and found that she could move things through time. Knowing that her gift could be dangerous if it fell into the wrong hands, she chose to hide it and only teleported things of her own time except for Fala.

(19) Kaija-weapon dancer; silver eyes, almost white hair, great grandfather of Fala
-He grew up in an abusive household and ran away from home when he was 6. He learned to survive in the wild and a hatred for the human race burned stronger with each passing year. When he was 13, he began to associate with humans again and pretended to like them, but in reality, he was only planning to kill off the human race. Trading and making money, he eventually met Faalan and Khanna when they were running away from some villagers. Wtih a flash of inspiration, he told them to take on his last name, nu Azamoni. He carefully created his plans and then began to take action at age 18. But then Fala came into the scene, disrupting his carefuly constructed plan. So he recreated his plan and then continued to carry it out. While destroying a village, he found a girl, chained and caged like a beast. He freed her and took care of her. She also hated the human race and he shared his plan with her. She helped to carry out his plan, joining in with the killing. Shortly after he died, she found out that she was pregnant.

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