Wednesday, June 4, 2008

To Publish or Not to Publish?

It has been brought to my attention several times that I should make Melody Maker into a book and that I should publish it. I am not completely confident that Melody Maker would make a good book. But now I shall make a poll and see what my readers think.

1 comment:

coolidgen said...

I think that the polls should close. You have six for to one undecided to none opposed. Your work is that: work. Send it to a publishing company, ask them. Maybe you'll get lucky. There's really no way you can loose. Think how it looks to colleges: how many people have published or attempeted publication before even graduating high school? How about doing it before even a semester into high school. You can do it, I know that someone will like it. It took many tries to get great stories like Harry Potter published, try now with this.